Wednesday, April 27, 2011


The trip north went well.  In fact too well.  The weather on the way north was perfect, with little wind, not too warm and no rain.  The way south saw a little wind in my face and 2 spells of rain.  So I didn't really get a true impression of my condition or gear.  Four days to get to Herbusta, Skye and three days back means I averaged 77 miles per days.  The total was 536 miles.  I need to do 60 mile days in the US so hopefully.......

Big down side of the trip was the amount of litter by the side of many roads, especially the major routes.  If it's possible to throw something away, I probably saw it.  But other than that, a perfect trip.

1 comment:

  1. Well done on your mileage Andrew. This will hopefully give you confidence for the biggy. Remember and take a few days rest before the real thing. Take care
    Cycling bud Fi
