Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Day 24 - Thursday 26th May 2011

Signal Mountain (Grand Teton NP) to Dubios     65 miles     DFP 1276

Sleet was falling when I got up but it soon cleared.  Had breakfast in the lodge restaurant which also has superb views over Jackson Lake to the main mountain ridge. 

Also used the guest computer to update blog.  Set off at noon by returning to Jackson Junction then east to Moran Junction and Highway 287. After about 10 miles came to roadworks where they were operating a convoy system and I wasn't permitted to cycle and had to put the bike on the lead vehicle.  Rules is rules!  Once back on the road, it was upwards and upwards and upwards.   The highest point is Togwottee Pass at 9658' on the Continental Divide, the highest point on the trip so far. Now, as any good hillwalker knows, you never think you're at a summit until you're actually there.  Did I forget this golden rule? Yip, several times. Sadly the summit pass doesn't actually have a marker, or not one I could see above the 15' of banked up snow by the roadside but took the photos anyway.

The sun was out and the view pretty spectacular.  Was having a bite to eat when I realised there had been a significant drop in temperature since my arrival, despite the sun.  Something was up.  Decided to loose height quickly, just before the wind got up. Like 'storm force'. On the way down I had to stop to take some photos of what I can only describe as a more rugged Cuillin Ridge.  Then the snow started to catch me up and when I looked round the Pass was not visible.  I would guess it was blizzard like up there and I was now really glad of the convoy lift which saved me half an hour.  Phew!!!!   Also had to take a photo of my first moose sighting by the roadside. 

Before reaching Dubios the rock structure changed from ignious to layered sandstone.  Camped in the town's public park.

Updated: Cheyenne, Wyoming (library).

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